Construction of Guzha Fresh Produce Market Underway

Thursday 7 October 2021

A new fruit and vegetable market is under construction at Guzha Growth point in Manyame district (Seke), much to the delight of many farmers and vendors. The huge modern market is being constructed through funding from Save the Children and the European Union.

Guzha Fresh Produce Market under Construction

“Construction of the Guzha Fresh Produce Market started in August 2021 is expected to be completed by end of November 2021 as planned. The total value of the market construction is USD400 000,” said Ezekiel Kanengoni a Project Coordinator at Save the Children.

“We expect the market to provide trading space for close to 5000 farmers and vendors from surrounding districts.”

“The fresh produce market project is in response to the dire need for safe trading space for informal traders, most of whom have for long been operating in an open spaces. This has been exposing them to harsh weather elements, which also damages their produce and puts consumers at risk of diseases such as cholera and typhoid,” said Kanengoni.

He added that the fresh produce market comes with ablution facilities, palisade fencing, paving, clean running water and cold rooms.

Upon completion, the Guzha Fresh Produce Market will be fully managed by Manyame Rural District Council, which is among the four partner districts working with Save the Children under the EU funded Multisector Partnership for Informal Traders in Zimbabwe project.